Christine Henry Andresen is the Managing Attorney at CHA Law Group in Austin, Texas. Christine helps people make babies. She is a family attorney with niches in adoption and assisted reproductive technology (ART) legal issues, and LGBTQ legal issues including legal work with polyamorous families. She also represents clients in divorce, child custody, and child welfare litigation, collaborative law, and does wills and estate planning. Christine has belonged to the national LGBT Bar’s Family Law Institute since 2013 and is the Vice-President of the Austin LGBT Bar. She is an ART Fellow of the Academy of Adoption & Assisted Reproduction Attorneys. Christine has three kids, two poodles, and a college professor husband. Her law degree is from Boston University School of Law, she has studied at New York University and the London School of Economics, and her undergraduate degree is from Vassar College.
Christine Henry Andresen
Transgender Parents and Children in Custody Proceedings
Consensual Non-Monogamy, Polyamory, and Polyparenting