Taylor Brown (she/her) is a Staff Attorney in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and HIV Project at the National Headquarters of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York City. Taylor litigates civil rights lawsuits nationally, to defend and expand the civil rights and liberties of LGBTQ+ people and all people living with HIV. Taylor is also actively engaged in federal and state policy advocacy and stakeholder engagement. Taylor is a proud first generation college student and first generation law student. Taylor is an openly black transgender woman. Taylor survived violence related to her transgender status, poverty, housing instability, her father’s incarceration and healthcare discrimination, to become a leader in the newest wave of the fight for the full recognition of civil rights and liberties for LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV.
Taylor Brown
Building Broader Coalitions for Reforming HIV Criminal Laws
Returning to Our Roots: The Renewed Importance of State Constitutional Law for LGBTQ+ Equality