Law schools play a tremendous role in setting the tone for how the legal profession approaches diversity and inclusion, including LGBTQ+ issues. Schools have their own internal need to invest in and support students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives throughout their law school tenure; they also provide critically important connections and support for students in the job placement and career planning process. The way in which a law school climate lifts up its LGBTQ+ community members not only ensures that LGBTQ+ students can thrive, it also sets a norm for every future lawyer — and future legal employer — being trained in that environment. This panel of law professors and legal industry professionals will address a number of areas where law schools can work on their internal LGBTQ+ climate, and will launch a conversation (to be continued at the law school caucus meeting immediately following) about advocacy on those issues within the law school environment.
Advocating for LGBTQ+ Issues in Law Schools
CLE Materials