This panel will examine how to better serve LGBTQ+ victims of crime, with a special focus on transgender victims of crime, through advocacy within government agencies, community partners, law enforcement, and more. The importance of working with community-based transgender rights groups and LGBTQ+ rights groups will be highlighted as a way for law enforcement agencies to combat the historic mistrust marginalized populations have with the Criminal Justice System. The panel would also discuss the historic inequities faced by black and indigenous people of color in the trans community and discuss the intersectionality in this community between elevated levels of violence and the historic inequities associated with disparate access to education, housing, healthcare (including mental health), and employment opportunities. This panel will focus on how different agencies and organizations can work together to pool resources and share information through outreach and referrals to better support LGBTQ+ victims of crime, specifically transgender women of color, that are interacting with the criminal justice system. Also telling is the underreporting by LGBTQ+ victims of crime who make the concerted decision to not engage the criminal justice system or are not counted because of misgendering or trans-erasure. The panel will also discuss trans victims of crime’s experiences with the criminal justice system including interacting with the police and the importance of being treated with dignity and respect in courtroom. The panel will also discuss the importance of educating and bringing awareness to the topic which can benefit law enforcement agencies and court personnel, but also the families of transgender victims of crime and discuss how a family’s wishes do not always coincide with the victim’s chosen community. The panel will examine how to address LGBTQ+ victim’s issues from multiple angles to provide more comprehensive support for LGBTQ+ victims of crime and intimate partner violence including medical advocacy, domestic violence advocacy, court advocacy, and community focused responses to crime and victimization.
Effectively Advocating for LGBTQ+ Victims with a Focus on Trans Victims of Color
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