LGBTQ youth make up forty percent of youth experiencing homelessness. This staggering disparity is fueled by a complicated mix of factors, including societal stigma and bias, family rejection, poverty, racism, and non-affirming child welfare systems, among others, and disproportionately impacts youth from low income families and youth of color. Once youth are pushed out of home, they face numerous legal challenges. Accessing health care, discrimination by service providers, and criminalization are a few on the long list. This panel will address the following questions: What are the laws that protect LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness? How can the direct service providers, nonprofits and private law firms partner together to protect youth and stem the pipelines into homelessness? Participants will learn about existing research and data, review available resources, discuss promising collaborations, and brainstorm ways to do more to assist some of the most vulnerable members of our community through direct service, impact litigation, and legislative/regulatory policy.
LGBTQ Youth Homelessness: Strategies for Reducing over-Representation and Addressing Systemic and Day-to-Day Legal Challenges (Sponsored by Hanson Bridgett LLP)
CLE Materials I, II, III