Medicare for All is more than just a slogan. From Congress to state legislatures, Medicare for All proposals are taking center stage as we head into the 2020 presidential elections. However, these proposals vary widely, from buy-in programs to true, single payer health care. This workshop examines the various types of Medicare for All proposals as well as efforts to build upon the coverage gains under the Affordable Care Act in the wake of Trump sabotage. Panelists will examine the health care needs and policy priorities for LGBTQ persons, including: HIV/AIDS including prescription drugs and viral suppression, non-discrimination protections, and access to Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP); LGBT reproductive health and access to assisted reproductive technologies; Health care refusals and their impact on LGBT access to care; Mental and behavioral health needs, including access to substance use disorder treatment and LGBTQ-specific suicide prevention programs; Immigration and access to care; Barriers and coverage exclusions for gender affirming care; Intersectionality of LGBTQ identities and addressing health care disparities; Nondiscrimination protections and enforcement.
Medicare for All – what’s in it (or should be) for LGBTQ persons?
CLE Materials: I, II, III