Unsure, this is a new process
Southern University Law Center seeks to employ a diverse pool of staff, faculty, and administrators. The Law Center submits faculty recruitment advertisements to the AALS (Association of American Law Schools) recruitment bulletin. Any additional job opportunities can be found posted on the Southern University Human Resources website, which also includes the statement of equal opportunity.
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Two single-stall restrooms are available in the building and labeled as unisex.
Employment Discrimination Law – 3 hours
The Gay Alliance For Legal Equality (GALE) has the same opportunities as other student organizations to request funding to attend conferences, host events, etc.
The admission and recruitment staff listens to and takes into account a students’ preferred choice of language, for example a student’s preferred use of pronouns when identifying themselves. Staff is advised to refrain from making assumptions about an applicant, and, most importantly, to be aware of misconceptions bias, stereotypes and any other communication barriers an applicant/student may encounter. Additionally, The director is “safe space” certified regarding students of all races, religions and sexual orientations/identifications. Being safe space certified, also requires the Director to ensure staff are an extension of that “safe space” both with the Director and in their absence. As stated above, this means our office does their best to ensure the staff is aware of misconceptions, bias, stereotypes, and other communication barriers and are sensitive to such misconceptions, stereotypes etc. We, as an office are available to assist all students.
The Admission and Recruitment department recruits prospective students at various events across the country. This helps us ensure we focus on both maintaining and reaching a diverse student population. Additionally, current students serve in the role of “ambassador.” As a part of their role, they aid in recruitment and contact potential applicants, including those who have self-identified on a particular gender grid (i.e. identified by a particular gender, including ones they may not have been assigned at birth). We do this to ensure potential applications feel comfortable even during the application process.