LGBTQ+ “Panic” Defense
The LGBTQ+ Bar has served as a national expert on the dangerous LGBTQ+ “panic” defense for two decades. This defense is a legal strategy wherein defendants charged with violent crimes weaponize their victim’s real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/expression to reduce or evade criminal liability. Learn more about this issue here.
ABA Resolutions
The LGBTQ+ Bar was instrumental in the passage of three key resolutions in the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates. All three resolutions are centered on the basic principle of equality under the law, and Resolution 113A and Resolution 108D have served as a basis for legislation both in individual states and in the United States Congress.
Safe Schools Brief Bank
This brief bank is a comprehensive compilation of recent cases dealing with school bullying. This brief bank compiles materials including briefs to educate practitioners, scholars and law students on this life or death issue. Its purpose is to inform, educate and inspire lawyers and other legal professionals working in this area of law.
LGBTQ+ Juror Nondiscrimination Protection
Most Americans live in states where LGBTQ+ jurors may be lawfully removed from a jury on the basis of their identity, creating a gap in protection that denies litigants their constitutional right to a jury of their peers, excludes LGBTQ+ Americans from meaningful civic participation, and fundamentally erodes our democracy’s promise of a judicial system rooted in community involvement and the rule of law. Learn more about this issue here.