The National LGBTQ+ Bar offers three scholarships of $2,500 each, annually. Students must be accepted or enrolled at least half-time in an ABA-accredited law school to be eligible, and must complete an application. Scholarships will be awarded to one incoming 1L student, one rising 2L student, and one rising 3L or 4L (enrolled in evening or part-time program) student.
The National LGBTQ+ Bar’s Scholarship Committee will evaluate each of the applicants by June 1 of each calendar year; decisions will be based, in significant part, upon demonstrated commitment to working though the law to achieve equality for LGBTQ+ people. Funds are granted on an unrestricted basis and may be used for tuition, housing, books, transportation, living expenses, bar application/study expenses, or any other law school-related expense.
2024 Winners