Election Day 2024
In the last decade, the LGBTQ+ community made tremendous advances toward the goal of true legal and social equality in the United States. Unfortunately, we are now seeing how quickly some of those advances can be reversed, whether by elected officials or by the courts. The rise of anti-LGBTQ+ (and particularly transphobic) laws and rhetoric have left many in our community wondering how to make a difference. One critical way to ensure that the LGBTQ+ community’s voice is always heard in the political process is to get out and vote. National, state, and local elections give us an opportunity to support the issues we believe in and the candidates who will be our best advocates and defenders of LGBTQ+ rights.
The National LGBTQ+ Bar encourages all who are eligible to vote to take several steps:
Ensure that you are registered to vote in the jurisdiction where you claim legal residency;
Do your research into the issues and candidates that will be on your ballot in each election;
Vote! In every election, no matter how small!; and
Put volunteer time into helping others to exercise their right to vote.