We attend diversity law fairs and speak to prospective students about the welcoming and inclusive environment. We collaborate with our OUTLaws student group to connect incoming LGBTQ+ students with our LGBTQ+ community. Our admissions policy language reflects inclusion of students of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.
This isn’t part of the welcome packet but our orientation includes a presentation by affinity groups, including OUTLaws & Allies.
On our application, we have the following question with a check box for “yes” or “no”: The following question is asked to help connect interested candidates with the KU Law LGBTQ student organization. By answering yes, you grant KU Law permission to share your name and e-mail address with the KU Law LGBTQ student organization. Do you self identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning?
KU Law faculty appointments committees engage in anti-bias training required by the University, as well as the University guidebook for centering diversity within hiring priorities. They also review other materials focused on diversity and best practices for hiring in legal academia. In our faculty recruitment specifically, we are guided by KU’s handbook, “Excellence in Diversity: The Handbook for Recruiting and Hiring for a More Socially Diverse KU Faculty,” which addresses inclusive recruitment of LGBTQ+ candidates. See: https://diversity.ku.edu/hiringhandbook. KU’s Faculty/Staff Identity Councils are available to support recruitment efforts of diverse candidates, one of which is the Sexuality and Gender Diversity Faculty and Staff Council, which “supports the LGBTQIA+ communities by supporting programs and initiatives focused on growing a culturally rich campus through community building, advocacy, social justice and diversity education, leadership, and the development of informed citizens.” Our recruitment efforts are also informed by KU’s Pronouns Guide, see: https://diversity.ku.edu/sites/diversity.ku.edu/files/docs/Pronoun%20Guide%20Long%20form_Final.pdf.
https://www.aetnastateofkansas.com/ and https://www.bcbsks.com/members/state
The health insurance policy excludes reproductive/infertility services. The policy will not consider benefits for medical leave, parental leave, family planning, in vitro fertilization or adoptive benefits. See the health insurance available to students at: https://www.uhcsr.com/ (search University of Kansas)
Answer left blank.
Benefits are considered the same as any other sickness for transgender/transitioning care. Office visits and counseling will be considered under the physician’s visit benefit of the policy. Oral hormone replacement therapy will be considered under the prescription benefits of the policy. Injectable hormone replacement therapy will be considered under the injection benefits of the policy. Please note, injections must be administered in the physician’s office and billed on the physician’s statement to be payable. Medically necessary surgical treatment will be considered under the surgery benefit of the policy. Medical necessity is established based on the Gender Dysphoria Treatment Guidelines. You may review the guidelines at www.uhcprovider.com. The insured may request their provider submit a pre-determination of benefits review for surgical care. Please note, this does not guarantee payment. We are not able to determine if and what benefits are payable until an actual claim for services is received. Benefit payment shall be subject to all deductible, copayment, coinsurance, exclusions and limitations, or any other provisions of the policy effective at the time of service.
CAPS has an emphasis on diversity and inclusion. http://caps.ku.edu/diversity . Watkins Student Health center provides gender affirming care https://studenthealth.ku.edu/gender-affirming-care and general trans support services are available on campus https://sgd.ku.edu/trans-ku
There are two all-gender-inclusive single-occupancy restrooms available on the main floor of the law school. They are ADA accessible. The signage indicates it’s for All Genders. There is also a single-stall gender neutral bathroom inside of the Legal Aid Clinic.
LAW 982 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Seminar
Pre-COVID, students used this fund to attend the Lavender Law conference.
The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university’s programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Institutional Opportunity & Access, IOA@ku.edu.
We have annual University mandated sexual harassment trainings, which are inclusive of same sex harassment training.
Yes, optional for all students
Students are asked to share their pronouns in their application process and on their name tags during orientations, which they then use at the beginning of the semester during class.
We have an active DEI Committee with faculty and staff members. Individually, faculty members incorporate inclusivity in their syllabi and in their course instruction. The Committee continues to think of ways to engage with students, address their concerns, and bring programming to the school.