Policy: State of Iowa Department of Corrections Policy No. IS-RO-01, Incarcerated Individual Admission Procedures, effective May 2022. (no public link available)
C. Initial Screening for Sexual Violence Propensity
1. All incarcerated individuals shall be assessed immediately upon arrival using the paper SVP-Intake Screening Tool, IS-RO-01 F-2, and shall be assessed during an intake screening for their risk of being sexually abused by other incarcerated individuals or sexually abusive toward other incarcerated individuals.
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2. All incarcerated individuals shall receive a Sexual Violence Propensity (SVP) assessment. Intake screening shall ordinarily take place within 72 hours of arrival at the facility. (PREA 115.41(b))
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a. Within a set time not to exceed 30 days from the incarcerated individual’s arrival at an institution, the institution shall reassess the incarcerated individual’s SVP code based upon any additional, relevant information received by the institution since the most recent SVP assessment. (PREA 115.41(f))
b. An incarcerated individual’s risk level shall be reassessed when warranted due to significant events, a referral, request, incident of sexual assault or sexual abuse, or receipt of additional information that bears on the incarcerated individual’s SVP code.(PREA 115.41(g))
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D. Use of the SVP Assessment for Intake
1. IDOC shall use information from the SVP assessment to inform housing, bed, work, education, and program assignments with the goal of keeping separate those incarcerated individuals at high risk of being sexually victimized from those at high risk of being sexually abusive.
2. IDOC shall make individualized determinations about how to ensure the safety of each incarcerated individual.
3. In deciding whether to assign a transgender or intersex incarcerated individual to a facility for male or female incarcerated individuals, and in making other housing and programming assignments, IDOC shall consider on a case-by-case basis whether a placement would ensure the incarcerated individual’s health and safety, and whether the placement would present management or security problems.
4. Placement and programming assignments for each transgender or intersex incarcerated individual shall be reassessed at least twice each year to review any threats to safety experienced by the incarcerated individual.
5. A transgender or intersex incarcerated individual’s own views with respect to his or her own safety shall be given serious consideration.
6. Transgender and intersex incarcerated individuals shall be given the opportunity to shower separately from other incarcerated individuals.
7. IDOC shall not place lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex incarcerated individuals in dedicated facilities, units, or wings solely on the basis of such identification or status, unless such placement is in a dedicated facility, unit, or wing established in connection with a consent decree, legal settlement, or legal judgment for the purpose of protecting such incarcerated individuals. (PREA 115.42)(g))
Policy: State of Iowa Department of Corrections Policy No. IS-RO-02, Incarcerated Individual Intake and Orientation, effective May 2022. (no public link available)
A. Intake Processes
Each institution shall establish procedures for intake processing of incarcerated individuals transferred from other institutions (Refer to IDOC Policy IS-RO-01, Incarcerated Individual Admission Procedures for specific protocol for ensuring the 72 Hour PREA Intake Screening process upon transferring to a new facility). . . . These procedures shall include, but are not limited to:
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8. Reassessment of Sexual Violence Propensity (SVP) Assessment
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C. Use of the SVP Assessment
1. IDOC shall use information from the SVP assessment to evaluate housing, bed, work, education, and program assignments with the goal of providing staff supervision for incarcerated individuals at high risk of being sexually victimized from those at high risk of being sexually abusive.
2. IDOC shall make individualized determinations about how to ensure the safety of each incarcerated individual.
3. In deciding whether to assign a transgender or intersex incarcerated individual to a facility for male or female incarcerated individuals, and in making other housing and programming assignments, IDOC shall consider on a case-by-case basis whether a placement would ensure the incarcerated individual’s health and safety, and whether the placement would present management or security problems.
4. Placement and programming assignments for each transgender or intersex incarcerated individual shall be reassessed at least twice each year to review any threats to safety experience by the incarcerated individual.
5. A transgender or intersex incarcerated individual’s own views with respect to his or her own safety shall be given serious consideration.
6. Transgender and intersex incarcerated individuals shall be given the opportunity to shower separately from other incarcerated individuals.
7. IDOC shall not place lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex incarcerated individuals in dedicated facilities, units, or wings solely on the basis of such identification or status, unless such placement is in a dedicated facility, unit, or wing established in connection with a consent decree, legal settlement, or legal judgment for the purpose of protecting such incarcerated individuals. (PREA 115.42(a)-(g))
Policy: State of Iowa Department of Corrections Policy No. IS-CL-02, Incarcerated Individual Classification, effective Apr. 2022. (no public link available)
C. Classification Procedures
Uniform procedures shall be utilized in the classification of incarcerated individuals.
1. Except in unusual circumstances, review of prior record, initial classification, and evaluation of incarcerated individuals shall be completed within 45 days after admission to reception. The Deputy Director of Institution Operations/Designee shall be responsible for initial institutional assignment of all reception incarcerated individuals.
2. Each institution shall establish a classification committee/treatment team to evaluate the security and treatment needs of each individual incarcerated individual following the initial classification assignment and assessment recommendations.
a. Each incarcerated individual is assigned a case manager to ensure supervision and personal contact.
b. Each incarcerated individual shall be given notice and the opportunity to appear personally before the classification committee/treatment team, for purposes of review, a minimum of once every 12 months.
c. Placement and programming assignments for each transgender and intersex incarcerated individual shall be reviewed once every 6 months to include any threats to safety experienced by the incarcerated individual.(PREA 115.42(d))
d. For special needs incarcerated individuals, the classification committee/treatment team shall seek and utilize input from clinicians when making decisions related to housing, programs or transfers. A Mental Health Treatment Plan involving the incarcerated individual, as well as the treatment and clinical staff responsible for the incarcerated individual’s progress, shall be developed for incarcerated individuals with mental illness.
e. The classification committee/treatment team shall assess and determine any special housing needs of the incarcerated individual.
f. A new SVP-R shall also be added and reviewed for accuracy. (See SVP-R Scoring Guide attached to IDOC Policy IS-RO-01, Incarcerated Individual Admission Procedures) An updated SVP shall be completed by the receiving facility upon transfer to an institution or residential facility per PREA Standard 115.41.(PREA 115.41) Note: Contact psychologist if there is a concern as a result of the assessment.
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h. Classification decisions are not grievable. Each institution shall have written procedures for incarcerated individuals to appeal classification decisions. Appeals beyond the institutional level are not allowed.
i. A classification review shall be conducted when a significant change occurs – including anytime the incarcerated individual is found guilty of a major report, a transfer is requested, or IBOP action is anticipated or requested.
Policy: State of Iowa Department of Corrections Policy No. HSP-704, Management of Gender Dysphoria, effective May 2023. (no public link available)
B. Identification and Diagnosis of Patients with GD
1. Identification of patients with GD
a. All patients who self-identify themselves as GD entering IDOC custody shall be evaluated to confirm diagnosis by the mental health team.
b. Patients seeking treatment or accommodations for GD should be forwarded to psychology staff.
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C. Treatment Planning for Patients with GD
1. Development of the Mental Health Care Plan
a. Following a confirmed GD diagnosis, the patient’s mental health and medical care professionals shall prepare an Individualized Mental Health Care Plan, or review and revise an existing treatment plan, which incorporates the GD diagnosis, along with all other co-occurring mental health issues. The treatment plan should consider accommodating the patient’s individualized needs as they relate to identifying with and expressing their gender of choice over time. Each facility shall meet quarterly to conduct a review of the treatment plan by their multidisciplinary team on all patients with a diagnosis of GD.