Awards Types: Michael Greenberg Student Writing Competition

2003 | Lavender Law 2003 – New York

First Place:  Keith Hilzendeger, Arizona State University College of Law,Walking Title VII’s Tightrope: Advice for Gay and Lesbian Title VII Plaintiffs First Runner Up:  Zachary A. Kramer, University of Illinois College of Law, The Neutered Homosexual: Why Gays and Lesbians Should Champion Martha Fineman’s Re-Visioned Family Law Second Runner Up:  Sarah Drescher, University of Oregon College School of […]

2002 | Lavender Law 2002 – Philadelphia

First Place:  Mary Beth Heinzelmann, Hofstra University School of Law, The ‘Reasonable Lesbian’ Standard: A Potential Deterrent Against Bias in Hostile Work Environment Cases

2001 | Lavender Law 2001 – Dallas

First Place:  Christopher S. Hargis, University of Kentucky College of Law, The Scarlet ‘H’: The Status and Expression of Homosexuality

2000 | Lavender Law 2000 – Washington DC

First Place:  B.J. Chisholm, Howard University School of Law, The Back(door) of Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc.: ‘Outing’ Heterosexuality as a Gender-Based Stereotype

1998 | Lavender Law 1998 – Boston

First Place:  Dirk Selland Will Maryland Enter the Twenty-First Century in the Right Direction by Rescinding Its Ancient Sodomy Statutes?